Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Women Caught Trying to Smuggle Corpse Onto Plane

British police arrested two women after they tried to smuggle a corpse onto a flight.

The women were detained at Liverpool's John Lennon airport "on suspicion of failing to give notification of death" of 91-year-old Willi Jarant.

Gitta Jarant (pictured, left) and her daughter Anke Anusic (pictured, right) allegedly placed the man into a wheelchair and covered his face with sunglasses in a bid to get him aboard a flight to Berlin.

Gitta told the Daily Mail, Willi, her husband of 22 years, was alive and must have died at the airport.

"He was alive in the taxi and when we arrived at the airport. He had eaten breakfast that morning. At least eight people saw him alive that day. Willi had Alzheimer's and had not been in good health and wanted to go back to Germany to die. We had booked a wheelchair and a taxi and he must have died as he was wheeled into the airport," Gitta told the Daily Mail. "I'm very upset. I'm going to contact the German embassy to complain. Willi was a fantastic man and I loved him very much. This is all crazy. I would never do such a thing. He would have been stiff if he had been dead for more than 24 hours."

Airport worker Andrew Millea said the family had pre-booked assistance for Willi and he was waiting for their taxi with a wheelchair.

"The older lady told me that he was elderly and frail and also very tired so I would have to lift him out of the taxi and into the wheelchair," he said. "I immediately felt unsure about the situation but I did my best to help by carefully lifting the man from his seat. To my horror his face fell sideways against mine. It was ice cold. I knew straight away that the man was dead but they reassured me that he 'always sleeps like that.'"

Andrew alerted security who checked for a pulse, but Gitta and Anke ushered them away insisting he was asleep.

When airport staff took Willi to a side-room, it was determined that he was indeed dead.



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