Monday, May 17, 2010

Christina Aguilera is Into Girls, But 'Loves D--k, Can't Live Without It'

Christina Aguilera is every where of late. Then again she has a record to promote. In a recent interview with Out magazine, she talks about her rivalry with one Lady Gaga -- whom, she said “is really fun to look at." [Grease!] Her own singing style ("it’s a little more off-putting to the general public because it’s not easy to sing along to", compared to Gaga's) and then this, about her bisexuality.
Knowing her media savvy and her checkered past, it’s easy to dismiss her claim, “I’m kissing all the boys and the girls,” made in the single “Not Myself Tonight,” as just another entry into the ledger of inevitable lesbian confessions made by every young pop star. After all, it was Aguilera herself, accompanied by Britney Spears, who initiated the trend, French-kissing Madonna back in 2003 at the Video Music Awards. Later, Katy Perry kissed a girl and sang about it. Gaga slobbered all over a female bodybuilder in her recent music video, “Telephone.”

“I don’t get to kiss all the girls and the boys,” Aguilera says, “but my husband knows that I get into girls. I think it’s fun to be open and play. The line is real to me. My husband and I check in with each other, but I definitely love women. I think they’re more attractive to the naked eye,” she says before adding, “I don’t think I could ever really be with a woman because that’s a lot of…what do you call it? Guys have testosterone, girls have…” Estrogen? “Yeah, there’s a lot of estrogen and I’m a lot to deal with when it’s that time of the month, so I can’t imagine it times two.” Aguilera pauses and then shakes her head. “And you know, I love dick. To be honest, that I cannot live without.” She sucks her Ricola with a vengeance.

Though it could be said that behind every great pop star is a gay cadre, often it’s there in the capacity of courtiers, not collaborators. But in Aguilera’s case nearly every one of her artistic triumphs was born from a gay relationship, or at least a relationship with a gay: Perry’s “Beautiful”; Ricky Martin, with whom Aguilera recorded “Nobody Wants to be Lonely”; on this album, Sia and her girlfriend, JD Samson of Le Tigre. “I feel like Christina’s probably supporting the majority of the lesbian scene in Los Angeles because she really only works with gaylords, like her dog walker, her personal trainer, her cowriters,” jokes Sia, but it’s not far from the truth. Bisexual or not, Aguilera is queer in the word’s most literal sense.
Apparently, her comments about Gaga have set off a heated debated on the Web. So, Christina took to her Web site this morning to clear the air, saying there is no feud between the two singers.

She said: "Dear Fans. I would like to take a moment to clarify something that has been brought to my attention this morning. It is very easy for comments to be taken out of context and create unnecessary drama-especially between us women. So I would like to tell you all directly so my words can not be misconstrued to sell someone else’s story…I have absolutely nothing against Lady Gaga or any other female artist in this business. I think she is great, and I appreciate any woman fearless enough to go against the norm. She has earned her success with hard work and a clear focus and I have nothing but respect for that. There is room for all of us on everyone’s iPods. This is not the first time I have been unfairly pitted against another female artist but it will be the last time I comment on the matter. “Can’t hold us down….” With love, C/X"

source | source 2


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