Monday, May 17, 2010

Don't Tase Me, Hoe!

Wanna hear some drama?

Two women (Melanese Asia and Katrina Mari-Alyce Bryant) were in a Daytona Beach, Fla. Wendy's drive-thru this morning, but when the man behind the window didn't give them the mayonnaise and mustard packets they asked for, the women got out of the car, rushed into the store cursed him out and tried to tase his ass.

No. Seriously.
Jason Hill told police he was waiting on the women about 10 a.m. and when they started using abusive language, he told them they were "childish" and to leave, according to the arrest report. Hill told police Reid tried to slap him, but he was able to deflect the blow.

That's when the women got out of the car and went inside, police said.

Reid chased Hill around the kitchen area of the restaurant, armed with a Taser that was turned on and making "electronic noises," the report said. Bryant cheered her on and continued the argument, the report said.

When a manager said she was calling police, the two got back into their PT Cruiser and left, police said.

About an hour after the incident, Wendy's general manager Diane Wiggins got a call from a woman, who identified herself as Bryant and said she wanted to complain about the service at the restaurant, police said. She told Wiggins her "sister" used a Taser in self-defense during the incident.

When Holly Hill police located the women's vehicle in a parking lot of the Charleston House Way Apartments, the women left in another car, but were stopped, the report said.

During a search of the women's purses, officers said they found a pink Taser.
Melanese, 20, (pictured, left) was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Katrina, 23, (pictured, right) was charged with being a principal to aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

BTW: Here are the 911 calls


Update: Katrina held a press conference for Fox 35 and told them she is a "nice, innocent girl" and was in the wrong place at the wrong time and now her reputation is ruined.


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