Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gay Couple Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison

Last December, Tiwonge Chimbalanga, 33, and Steven Monjeza, 26, were arrested after their symbolic wedding ceremony in Malawi. Homosexuality is illegal in Malawi, so when a newspaper reported the "wedding" on its first page, police swooped down and arrested the men. On Tuesday, a judge found Steven guilty of "having carnal knowledge of Tiwonge through the anus, which is against the order of nature" and Tiwonge guilty of "permitting buggery," which the judge said was similarly contrary to the natural order. Yesterday, they were sentenced to 14 years in prison -- the maximum allowed sentence -- with hard labor.

The judge is a donkey.

While handing down the sentence he told the men, "I will give you a scaring sentence so that the public [will] be protected from people like you so that we are not tempted to emulate this horrendous example. Malawi is not ready to see its sons getting married to its sons. Malawi is not ready to smile at her daughters marrying each other. Let posterity judge this judgment."

The United Nations, Madonna (who adopted two kids from the country) and human rights activists are outraged. The US government is, too.

Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Philip Crowley said: "The United States is deeply disappointed in today’s conviction of same-sex couple Tiwonge Chimbalanga and Steven Monjeza in Malawi. We view the criminalization of sexual orientation and gender identity as a step backward in the protection of human rights in Malawi. The Government of Malawi must respect the human rights of all of its citizens. The United States views the decriminalization of sexual orientation and gender identity as integral to the protection of human rights in Malawi and elsewhere in the world."

The White House press secretary adds: "The United States strongly condemns the conviction and harsh sentencing of Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga in Malawi. The criminalization of sexual orientation and gender identity is unconscionable, and this case mars the human rights record of Malawi. We urge Malawi and all countries to stop using sexual orientation or gender identity as the basis for arrest, detention, or execution."

Update: After the public uproar (coupled with the visit of UN secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon to the Malawi), the country's president pardoned Steven and Tiwonge citing "humanitarian" grounds. In fact, in his statement president Bingu wa Mutharikasaid "I have done this on humanitarian grounds, but this does not mean that I support this.” The men were freed on May 30, but have no one know their whereabouts. Some believe Steven and Tiwonge are missing.

Update 2, June 8: The couple has been scared straight -- or something really fishy (pun intended) is going on. Steven told a newspaper he's broken up with Tiwonge and -- get this -- he's now with a woman. "I am no longer in love with Tiwonge Chimbalanga. I am in love with a woman called Dorothy Gulo," he said. "We are planning something for the future with Dorothy." Tiwonge said he found out about the break-up by reading the newspaper article. He says, "I will also marry my man of my life. There are lots of good men around. I will remain a gay." We hear that.

Update 3: Steven's new lady-friend is a whore! According to reports, Steven, who's an alcoholic, met Dorothy at a bar. She also rents a one room apartment behind the bar. And, oh, it's where she turns tricks.

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