Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Audio Tapes Show Michael Jackson Begging For 'Sunscreen' -- Any By 'Sunscreen' He Meant Money

Recently released audio recordings have surfaced allegedly of Michael Jackson asking a friend for money and feared for his safety in 2003 following that scathing interview in which Martin Bashir drilled him about sleeping in the same bed with young boys.

Journalist Daphne Barak acquired the tapes from Michael's friends after she wrote a book about celebrity addiction. She, in turn, handed them over to the UK Sun. "These demonstrate different states of mind he was experiencing under the influence of pharmaceuticals," she said. And if this is him on the tapes, he definitely sounds like he's under the influence of something.

Here's a transcript:
“It is Michael. Ahh, it is 4:30 in the morning here that’s why I sound very sleepy (laughs) and I’m really worn out… but please check the message I left a day or so ago. I am very concerned. I don’t trust that man. We think he’s bad, we think he is Italian Mafia. Please… we must be smarter than him. So please, help me with this. I need to get that, those funds so I can do that, I wanna be away. . . I don’t want to be in Neverland right now.”

"If you get this message call me immediately at 805 *** ****. What I want to talk to you about is very top - top secret... I need a German or Swiss bank... "

“I am very embarrassed. But, um, there should be that I have some finance that’s coming up January, February 2nd, and um… that’s why I, we, need to have on sun screen to the account 150. Please don’t be mad at me for… (inaudible) It’s something that’s very important to me and my family, because I’m afraid for us that I’m being stalked and I think it is (name withheld).”

“It is Michael calling. It is very important, I want that 150 in that account for me, because… I am very concerned about my life. I am hearing a lot of stories that (name withheld) is still trying to sabotage (inaudible) me and I want to be in a different environment and, um, I’ve found a place that I like and now (inaudible) I want to be away for a while where they can’t find me. So please help me, help (inaudible) help me, and, um, more important than (inaudible). We are brothers.”

"They put out Spider-Man, now they got Incredible Hulk coming, they got X-Men 2 coming and they also got Spider-Man 2 coming. It is going to jump, it's going to change! I mean, you know... and this huge frenzy for superheroes... and all the things we can do... I wanna get in before the stocks... we have to jump in now. The timing is perfect."

This is the second set of conversations we know of in which Michael's friends were recording him. The first was from 1992 in which he talked about his family, abuse and women. Now, if these people will allow him to rest in peace. Then again, we read yesterday that he's still alive living as a burn victim. Oy!

More on Michael: If he's isn't dead, he will be once he finds out what his kids are doing on YouTube.


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