Friday, May 28, 2010

Uh-Oh, It Looks Like Another Sports Star is Having an Affair and the Ish is About to Hit the Fan

Reggie Wayne, the Indianapolis Colts' wide receiver, claims his debit card was stolen and someone racked up almost $100,000 in unauthorized charges. He reported the alleged crime and 15 -- count 'em 15! -- FBI agents swooped down on Natasha McKenzie's home, kicked in her door and carted off a ton of evidence.

But wait! There's more!

You see, Natasha, 26, says she is Reggie's "long-term" jumpoff and he gave her permission to use his debit card -- and used it she did.

According to Fox59 News, Nastasha used the card to pay her telephone, insurance and cable bills. She used it buy groceries. She used it to pay for her children's daycare and she charged thousands of dollars in college tuition. Plus, she bought airline and cruise tickets and paid for hotel rooms -- which Reggie should remember, because he accompanied her on those trips and slept in those hotel rooms with her while they were carrying on their affair.

"Reggie knew what was going on. I sent Reggie plenty of thank you messages. He knew everything that was going on. There was nothing fraud about it," Natasha told the TV station. "I had permission to buy whatever I bought. Reggie gave me all of his credit card information I still have a record of everything he gave me....If it was stolen, everything wouldn't have come to my house. If I had something to hide, I wouldn't had stuff coming to my house. I wouldn't have stuff going to my account. I would have hid it I would have hid it somewhere else. I never did that."

So, why is the 31-year-old star football player filing a potentially false police report and pretending he doesn't know Natasha? Natasha believe it's because Reggie's wife found out about the affair.

And, according to Natasha's attorney, the truth is on their side.

"We have evidence. There's text messages and photos and of course 'she' doesn't want to release those at this time," the attorney said.




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