Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Woman Shoots, Kills Husband After Rough Sex

Anita Smithey of Sanford, Fla. and her husband have been separated for three months but had a long-standing appointment. Every Monday they would meet for sex. Last Monday, she said Robert Cline III, 41, was being too rough, that she told him to stop, he didn't, so she got a .38-caliber handgun, pointed it at his chest, warned him again, but he only laughed and leaned toward her. So she shot at him three times and killed him. She said it was an accident.

To let her tell it:
He got to her house Monday about 11:30 p.m., they each had a shot of tequila then went to the bedroom for sex, according to her arrest report. When they were done, she took a shower, she told police, but when she walked out of the bathroom, Cline was still naked, and she asked him to leave. He did not, she told police. He grabbed her, pulled her onto the bed, got on top of her and accused her of having sex with another man, according to her arrest report. He then put what she believed was a knife to her throat, she told police. He either leaned away or got off her momentarily, she said, and she got her revolver from a bedside stand and placed it beneath her pillow, according to the report. He began to have sex with her again, she told police, would not stop when she asked so she pointed the gun at his chest.
Dude was insatiable. But the story doesn't end there. Anita, who is also 41, then rolled off the bed and onto the floor, got a knife and stabbed herself in the belly to make it look like she had acted in self-defense. Cops arrested her and charged her with second-degree murder.



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