Friday, June 25, 2010

After A Year, Michael Jackson is Still Dead*...But Not Forgotten

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Jackson. Here's a round-up of what's going on around the globe.

Fresh off of finally filing a $75,000 wrongful death lawsuit against Dr Conrad Murray, who has been charged with manslaugther, Papa Joe Jackson was Cleveland. He tells Fox 8, "I'm just trying to carry out [Michael's] legacy." We sure that's so he can profit off his son's death against Michael's wishes.

Also in Cleveland:

Meanwhile, in Michael's hometown of Gary, Indiana. Mom Katerine was at the home where she raised Michael to unveil an updated monument. She told the thousands of fans who showed up, "I'm sure my son would be very pleased, very honored if he were here today. This past year has been a very hard time for us. If it wasn't for you, the fans, we couldn't have made it through."

Meanwhile, in Glendale, Calif. There was a private memorial service at Forest Lawn cemetary, where Michael is entombed, but most of his family didn't show. Roger Friedman reports that Katherine was missing (she's in Gary); Joe was absent (he's in Cleveland); LaToya, Rebbie and brothers Marlon and Jackie were also absent. Jermaine, Randy, Tito and Janet were there, however.

Also in California...

Meanwhile, in Winston-Salem, NC...Dr Maya Angelou got a dot on the Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait. Each dot represents one of Michael's fans. It currently has 250,000 dots and once completed, it will be displayed at the Jackson family museum in Gary. Dr Angelou says “[Michael] spoke for me in his songs and his life. He spoke for me and so I'm grateful on many levels, on many accounts. I'm indebted to him.”

Gotham Chopra, son of Deepak, shared his fondest memories of Michael:
During the last years of his life, I got to see his creativity up close and personal once again. He and I were working on a graphic novel together entitled THE FATED. He had big plans for it. One day he wanted to direct it as a film, impress his mentor Steven Spielberg, and have his favorite actor Will Smith be in it. It was classic MJ in terms of process, intense at times, with intermittent months of total inaction in between. The story of an iconic Rockstar worn out by the agony of his fame, driven to the most desperate measures, only to discover that his super-stardom has him “fated” for far more than just fame and fortune. Of course, I eventually realized Michael was giving me a window into his own personal allegory and I felt privileged to help record it. Sadly, we never were able to complete the story and I was left instead with an eerie tale without a proper ending (note: I hope with the assistance of Michael’s Estate - in the hands of some very capable and conscious stewards - that we’ll one day be able to share The Fated with all the dignity it and Michael deserves). Like The Fated, we never got to see a proper ending to Michael’s tale. Instead there’s a tangled legacy, the bright light of fame shining over the tumbled necropolis of unfounded allegations twisted around the neverending tenderness for his own children. it's funny to me how in the last year, in death Michael has been canonized by many of the same commentators who were so relentless in tearing him down while he lived. He'd see the irony in it and call them bad names - the man could curse like a drunken sailor. source

Singer Judith Hill, who was supposed to sing back-up during the This Is It tour, shared her memories of Michael with the folks over at Studio 360.


And finally, fans paid their respects in...

...Munich, Germany

...Cebu, Philippines

...Jammu, India

...Puri, India

...Apollo Theater, NYC

...Madame Tussauds Museum, Los Angeles

...Madame Tussauds Museum, NYC

..and, oh, yes. His kids are in Hawaii.

*There are some conspiracy theorists who say Michael is still alive.


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