Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Is Naomi Campbell Bald(ing)?

Let's talk about super-supermodel Naomi Campbell. She was on the set of a shoot for a furrier this morning in NYC when a gust of wind revealed what's really lurking under her wig -- a bald spot that's around her temple and kitchen. Which lends us to ask: What exactly is going on under her wigs? Is she completely bald?

Trichologist (that's a person who specializes in the scientific study of the health of hair and scalp, y'all) Philip Kingsley tells the London Daily Mail, Naomi might be suffering from traction hair loss, which is usually caused by years of pony tails, hard brushing, hair extensions and the glue used in securing the wig to the scalp.

"The old-fashion hair extensions were put in by weaving threads which had hairs attached to them between the natural hair," he said. "They were weaved next to the scalp and tightly knotted at each end to secure them. Because of their proximity to the scalp, the thread, which the hair knotted onto it, rubbed on the scalp, caused irritation, consequently making it sore and sometimes breaking the skin. The biggest potential problem is traction hair loss and breakage because of the pulling involved."

Naomi is so beautiful, we bet she could rock a baldie and still be pretty fierce.



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