Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Naomi Campbell Doesn't Do Stairs

Supermodel Naomi Campbell is getting sued. Again. Apparently she was contracted to promote a new line of perfume but balked because she refused to walk up two flights of stairs. And, oh, yes, she tried to stab someone with a bottle.

Steps? Naomi Campbell doesn’t do steps. The diva caused a stink when she was supposed to be promoting her perfume line by canceling an appearance because she didn’t want to walk up some stairs, The Post’s Janon Fisher reports.

In an affidavit, Campbell’s former agent Carole White said Campbell backed out of a televised awards show in Australia after finding out the elevator had broken and she’d have to walk up two flights of steps.

“Her failure to show was not only embarrassing, but caused friction with [the] Wella [perfume] people in Australia,” White said of the 2000 event.

White’s co-director at Moodform Mission, Chris Owen, said Campbell was a nightmare traveling companion on the promotional tour — she was constantly late for meetings, and once even tried to attack him with a bottle.

Moodform is suing Campbell for backing out of their 12-year-old perfume deal for such scents as Naomi Campbell, Cat Deluxe, and Cat Deluxe with Kisses.

The brawling beauty is fighting back. In court filings, Campbell said that she considered White “a surrogate mother,” and that she’d sign whatever White put in front of her without reading it — which is how she got roped into a deal she didn’t know much about.

She’s countersuing, saying that Moodform got money it wasn’t entitled to, and that White concealed her role in the company.

“Ms. Campbell is shocked and outraged by the false allegations made by her former agent and cohorts . . . who have made a fortune off of her,” her spokeswoman said.

Moodform maintains Campbell knew what she was getting into.

In asking a judge to throw the case out, White’s lawyer, Daniel Bright, wrote: “The human element that brings the parties before the court is clear: greed, ingratitude and a grotesque sense of entitlement on the part of Campbell that, in her mind, justifies her doing anything she wants to do, including stealing her business partners’ money and then lying about what happened.”
Naomi, we love you.


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