Monday, June 28, 2010

Not This Bitch Again

Famewhore Debrahlee "Debbie" Lorenzana wasn't at work again today. Instead, she called a press conference to explain why her human rights were violated. Seriously. In case you've been under a rock for the past few weeks, Debbie used to work at Citibank but she said she was fired because she's too beautiful and her beauty distracted co-workers. We later learned that that beauty isn't natural.

After the presser, Citibank fired off this missive:

"Unlike Ms. Lorenzana, Citibank does not intend to try this case in the media and we reiterate that her termination was based on poor performance. Although we can't speak to her previous attention-seeking activities, her current attempts to gain personal publicity are as transparent as her legal claims. We remain confident that when all of the facts and documentation are presented, the claim will be dismissed."

Grease! We applaud Citibank for not falling for her shakedown tactics and refusing to write a check just to let the matter -- and her -- go away.



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