Thursday, June 3, 2010

Report: Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, Was a High-Class Prostitute!

Last week video surfaced of Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, accepting an offer of $700,000 in exchange for access to her ex-husband, Prince Andrew. On Tuesday she gave an exclusive interview to Oprah in which she blamed her behavior on everything from alcohol to grief and financial problems, plus, according to her, she needed the $40,000 (which she was filmed taking in a briefcase) to help a "friend." [No one - and we mean -- no one, believes her.] Fergie told Oprah she had a get feeling the reporter, posing as an Asian businessman, was setting her up, but because she was "in the gutter" and “out-of control with desperation" she went along with it. The interview was all sorts of sad.

Now, one of Fergie's former reps tells Ian Halperin that the Duchess bedded at least two Saudi oil tycoons in exchange for $450,000 in 2007.
“Sarah’s always making surreptitious deals for cash, she’s a throwback to the old way of doing business,” the source said. The press attache claims Ferguson spent a week on a luxury, 65 metre yacht three years ago with two wealthy Saudi oil tycoons. As part of the deal, which reportedly paid the Duchess 300,000 pounds cash in a suitcase, the Duchess agreed to participate in sexual activities with the two wealthy oil tycoons.
“She had no problem with their demands for sex because she Sarah loves to get down and dirty,” the source told IUC. “In fact when she returned to Britain a week later I overheard her talking to a friend, bragging about her new enterprise. She said she had ‘a much needed wild time’ and in the process got paid for it.”

A royal insider close to Fergie told IUC he did not think Fergie would participate in such a “seedy enterprise”.

“Certainly, she’s not the most ethical person,” the source said. “But selling her body, I just don’t think she’d do it. Sarah’s not that type of person.”

Back in 1992, Ferguson was the center of another Royal sex scandal when she got caught cheating on her husband with wealthy businessmen, once with Texas tycoon/playboy Steve Wyatt, the other with wealthy financial manager John Bryan who was photographed sucking on the toes of a topless Fergie.

“Sarah likes to sleep with wealthy men in exchange for cash,” one of the Ferguson’s longtime Chelsea pals told IUC. “She did this in boarding school and also when she attended Queen’s Secretarial College. When she got engaged to Andrew all her close friends were shocked because of her dodgy past. We all knew there would be a lot of trouble ahead.”
According to the Globe, in 1993 Fergie considered sleeping with another wealthy Arab for $500,000. She allegedly went to his palatial country estate prepared to have sex with the man, but backed out because "she found him too repulsive." Their report claims Fergie is $6 million in debt and has no options because there's "no white knight riding to her rescue -- not even an oil rich sheik offering money for sex."

Sidebar: Fergie will appear on next season of "The Celebrity Apprentice."

source | source 2: The Globe, June 14, print edition


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