Wednesday, June 9, 2010

South Carolina's Mysterious Senate Candidate Has a Shady Past

Tuesday was election night in America. Again. While there were some surprises, folks are shocked at the outcome of the South Carolina democratic primary where Alvin Greene beat former judge and ex-state legislator Vic Rawl, with 59% of the vote in the race for Senate. Vic spent $186,000 on the campaign, but Alvin didn't raise one cent. In fact, aside from the $10,400 of his own money he used for the filing fee, he didn't spend any other money and he didn't campaign or attend political events. So, everyone is wondering how he won. (Some believe it's because his name was first on the ballot.) But and however. Last November, the 32-year-old military vet -- who has no political background, is unemployed and lives at home with his parents -- was arrested after showing pornographic photos (read: photos of his johnson) to a University of South Carolina female student online then asked about visiting her dorm room. He is still facing felony charges. No one knew about the arrest until yesterday. Now Democrats are calling for him to drop out of the race, but Alvin isn't budging. He told the AP, "the Democratic Party has chosen their nominee, and we have to stand behind their choice."


Update: News19 got an exclusive with Alvin and all we can say is WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! and what the bloodclaat! (We now firmly believe he's a plant by the Republican party, because he can't possibly be serious. And. Something is ultra fishy about him always repeating this line: "I've always been a Democrat and I still will be a Democrat in the future and support Democrats."?)

Miss South Carolina teen Caitlin Upton, your reign as the most feeble-minded person out of South Carolina is over! You may now hand over to crown to Alvin.

PS: As for the day Alvin showed female student his penis?

"The incident took place November 12, 2009 at the Bates House residence hall on the University of South Carolina's campus. A female student reported that a man, later identified as Greene, sat down beside her in the computer lab. The student did not know Greene. She said the man asked her for her name, room number, and phone number, but she did not give it to him. She told officers that five minutes later, he told her to look at his computer screen, which she said had pornographic images on it. She told him that it was "offensive and not funny," and started to leave. The incident report states that Greene then asked her if he could come to her room, and she told him to leave her alone. The student said she then went up to her room and told her resident mentor about the incident ....When police arrived, they spoke to residence staff, who said Greene had been entering the Bates House for some time using an old Carolina Card with his picture on it. The staff had been told not to allow him inside the building anymore, but the person working that day had not been made aware of this information, and let Greene in as he normally did."

Sidebar: Is Alvin related to "It" or are they the same person? Hmmmmmm.



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