Tuesday, June 15, 2010

WATCH: Cop Punches Teen Girl in the Face

A Seattle Police officer is coming under fire (as he should!) for punching a 17-year-old girl in the face. On June 14 the officer was on jaywalking duty. Seriously! He stopped an 18-year-old man. While questioning the man, he saw four women jaywalking; He told them to step over to his office (read: his cruiser). He said the women began to curse him out and when one woman began to walk away, he grabbed her and escorted her back to his office. Then all hell broke loose. The officer claims the woman refused to follow his commands and when he tried to arrest, she resisted and that's when her friend intervened and he punched her in the face.

Update: We replaced the video with the above. It's a longer version that shows what happened after the punch-ation. One word: Madness!

Sidebar: You know it's only a matter of time now before Al Sharpton shows up in Seattle, right?



Florida Science said...

haha im sorry if this wrong but i think she deserved it. you shouldnt fight an office and thats what she was doing. He may have went over board but still, better than being tazz'd.

Unknown said...

yea, looks like she pushed him first but maybe he shouldn't have went for the face like that.

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