Monday, June 14, 2010

What?! The Kennedy Brothers, Sammy Davis Jr and Sinatra Were Slaying Marilyn Monroe at Sex Parties?

This morning the FBI released secret files on Ted Kennedy, the legendary democratic senator for Massachusetts who died last year from brain cancer. In the files, which mainly contained information about possible death threats, was this one page memo from Jacqueline Hammond, the ex-wife of Ogden H. Hammond, a former US Ambassador to Spain in the early 20s. In the 1965 memo, Jacqueline says she knew of sex parties that took place at the super-exclusive Carlyle Hotel in NYC (where she lived). She said the parties were frequented by the Kennedy Brothers (John, Teddy and Robert), Sammy Davis Jr, Frank Sinatra, Peter Lawford (of the Rat Pack) and Marilyn Monroe (pictured above with two of the Kennedy brothers). Jacqueline didn't say where in the hotel these parties were taking place, but according to The Smoking Gun, John F. Kennedy owned an apartment in the building. Scandalous! Talk about sex, drugs and rock-n-roll!

Peep the memo after the jump.



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