Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Woman Fired For Being 'Hot' is a Plastic Surgery Fiend

We're so tired of reading about Debrahlee Lorenzana, the woman who claims she is so beautiful, her bosses couldn't bear the sight of her so they fired her. While her fame-whoring tour continues, her current employer, Chase Bank, is trying to put the kabosh on her appearances and they too, according to reports, are threatening to fire her. But, did you know this bish appeared in a 2003 documentary for the Discovery Health Channel talking about how she wanted bigger breasts in order to look like a Playboy Playmate -- specifically a cross between Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra -- in the hopes of attracting a 6-foot tall blue-eyed man, like George Clooney? Well, now you do. At the time time of the documentary, she had already had three boob jobs and wanted a fourth. Plus, she had liposuction and a tummy-tuck -- who knows what else she's had done since. Ultimately, her goal is/was to be "tits on a stick."



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