Friday, July 16, 2010

'Because I Back-Traced It'

11-year-old Jessi Slaughter (not her real name) has haters, y'all. While it's not ever a good idea to attack 11-year-old girls, evidently she knows how to defend herself. In fact, in the video above she tells the alleged haters: "If you can't stop hating, you know what? I'll pop a glock in your mouth and make a brain slushy." Sounds hardcore, right? Turns out, Jessi's one big, foul-mouthed cry baby who turns to daddy to protect her after the alleged haters spammed her Facebook and MySpace accounts, had pizzas delivered to her home address and were considering sending prostitutes to her house. The video of her father's rant is below. It's. Fuckin. Epic! (Wait, are we gonna get "backtraced," too?)

"The consequences will never be the same!"



Florida Science said...

Maybe her parents should get her off the internet instead of yelling at the "haters". I would never let my 11-yr old have a video blog or let her wear a shirt that shows her bra like that! And if she ever had a mouth that foul, I would wash it so clean, her lips would glow.

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