Thursday, July 1, 2010

Is Mel Gibson F-ckin' Insane?

We haven't been following the trainwreck that is horrible drunk and anti-Semite Mel Gibson and his baby mama Oksana Grigorieva and their mess.

Last month, the folks over at TMZ reported that way back in January during a argument over custody of their child, Lucia,, Mel punched Oksana in the face, knocking out two of her teeth and giving her a concussion. The beat down happen while she was holding their baby in her hands! Oksana went to court and obtained a restraining order against Mel. He was ordered to stay 100 yards from Oksana and Lucia. (His lawyers later had the ordered amended so he could see the child.) During the court hearing, Oksana told the court she secretly taped arguments she had with Mel. The judge ordered the tapes sealed and also ordered Oksana not to talk publicly about the recordings.

Bombshell tonight!

The folks over at Radaronline heard the supposedly sealed recordings. Not only is Mel an alleged woman beater, he's also a racist and a chauvinistic pig!
In one of the most explosive, racist and vile outbursts by a celebrity ever caught on tape, Mel Gibson told the mother of his love child that the way she was dressed would get her “raped by a pack of niggers,” has learned exclusively.

It’s a shocking and blockbuster development in the couple’s bitter legal battle, and Mel’s disgusting words are on audio tape. His racist, misogynist statement is one of the secrets lurking in his war with his former girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva. has heard the tape, which also includes Mel telling Oksana he will burn down her home.
Drunken Mel previously shocked the world with his anti-Semetic comments when busted for DUI. Now, the new racist outburst has taken the Oscar winner to an even deeper low.
His outburst came during a series of explosive arguments with Oksana, mother of his infant daughter Lucia. They have been battling in court, with documents under seal, for the past several weeks. And there is more than one disgusting outburst from Mel. has listened to the hate-fuelled rants the Braveheart star unleashed during fights with Oksana as their relationship unraveled.

“You’re an embarrassment to me,” Mel tells her at one point. “You look like a fucking pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of niggers, it will be your fault.”

Mel’s attorney told that he is no longer commenting on the case and said Mel’s publicist is the only Mel official who will speak for him.

Mel’s profane outbursts are littered with references to Oksana being a “whore” and “cunt”.

In another tirade, Mel tells Oksana: “How dare you act like such a bitch when I have been so fucking nice.” He warns, “I am going to come and burn the fucking house down… but you will blow me first.”

The emergence of the explicit tapes is a stunning development in the couple’s bitter separation and court battle over custody of their young daughter. first broke the story about how Mel, 54, and Oksana, 40, filed dueling restraining orders against each other under seal.

Published reports say Oksana is alleging Gibson punched her in the face twice during a fit of rage, giving her a concussion and knocking out two of her front teeth. Gibson does not deny that they had a confrontation but has simply described it, through his lawyer, as a loud argument.

In a further outburst, Mel is heard telling her, “You’re a bitch” to which Oksana insists, “I didn’t do anything.”

“Did so,” Mel responds.

The tapes do not make it clear what the couple was arguing about. But Mel tells Oksana, “Look what you did to me… look what you are… look what every part of you is… fucking fake… fucking fake. You are the most synthetic person… who the fuck are you?”

He also takes aim at Oksana’s previous relationship with former James Bond star Timothy Dalton, with whom she has a 13-year-old son, Alexander. A source close to the situation says Oksana claims she was forced to tape Mel after he made a series of death threats. The source says she hopes the recordings will be admissible in any potential trial.

“Oksana’s motivation for recording this was to show Mel how mean he was, and because she feared for her life,” said the insider.

“She wanted to get evidence that he was dangerous and violent.”

The source claims that Mel has heard two of the tapes.

Said the source, “Mel is doing everything he can to suppress this… they are the rantings of a mad man.”

It'll only be a matter of days before his publicist announces that Mel has checked himself into a "treatment" "facility", cause that's how they do in Hollywood. In case you forgot, in 2006 Mel came under considerable fire for directing anti-Semitic remarks at cops, who were arresting him for DUI. He told them: "Fucking Jews...The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world."

Rev. Jesse Jackson is calling a spade a spade. He tells Radar: "Mel Gibson's outburst demonstrates once again that we are far from a society that is ‘beyond race and racism.’ His penchants for anti-Semitic and racist diatribes reveal the actor's fundamental character flaw. He needs help. But as a society we must redouble our efforts to combat racism and eradicate racial inequalities wherever they may exist."

source 1 | source 2


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