Wednesday, July 14, 2010

LISTEN: Fourth Tape of Donkey Mel Gibson Released: 'Give Me a Professional or I'll Burn Down the House!'

The racist, homophobe and donkey known as Mel Gibson continues to exhibit how assine he really is. In the fourth tape released by Oksana Grigorieva (or someone who knows her), Mel is berating her for having the audacity to fall asleep the night before when he wanted her to join in the Jacuzzi to have sex. And oh, yes, he threatens to burn the fucking house down if she doesn't give him a professional.

The full audio is below, but here's some of the nice things the former actor had to say to his baby mama: “I should’ve woken you up and said fucking blow me bitch! I should’ve fucking woken you up and said blow me! You would’ve liked that better, yeah? But you need the goddamn sleep!....I deserve to be blown first! Before the fucking Jacuzzi! OK, I’ll burn the goddamn house up, but blow me first! How dare you!??!”

Seriously. We cannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn't!!!!!!!!!!

The folks over at RadarOnline are also reporting that after the beatdown last January, Oksana was attempting the leave Mel's Malibu mansion. When she tried to retrieve her car keys, she said Mel began waving a gun in her face and said: "I will show you how to get out of here fast." Terrfied and feeling threatened, she grabbed her baby and escaped. This part of the saga wasn't captured on tape, however.

source 1 | source 2


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