Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mother Kills Children Because They're Autistic and Not 'Normal'

Do we still convict people and strap them to the electric chair before they stand trial? If we still do, 30-year-old Saiqa Akhter, of Irving, Texas deserves that treatment.

On Monday, she called 911 and confessed to strangling her two children with an antenna wire because they were not "normal." According to reports, the kids (5-year-old son Zain and 2-year-old daughter Faryaal) were autistic. Saiqa told the operator she wrapped the wire around the children's necks until they turned blue. Before that, she said she tried to make them drink bathroom cleaner. "I put in their mouth, but they don't drink it," she said.

Hearing the sound of running water in the background, the operator asked her what she was doing at that point. "The bathroom cleaner smells so much on my hands so I just wash my hands with water," Saiqa, who's originally from Pakistan, replied.

Asked again why she did it, Saiqa said: "They are autistic. They are too much....I don't want my kids to be autistic. I kill both of them....I want normal kids."

Zain died Monday. Faryaal died Tuesday evening, a day after she was revived and placed on life support.

Raising autistic children can be extremely difficult, but that doesn't mean you outta murder them.

Saiqa faces two charges of capital murder and hopefully she'll spend as little time in prison as possible -- if you know what we mean.

Here's the 911 call:



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