Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Prostitution Whore Lit Disabled Boyfriend on Fire

Frankly, we have no words.
Lisa Baywood would throw hot water on her 61-year-old disabled boyfriend when he wouldn’t give her money, Cook County prosecutors said.

Other times, the West Side woman allegedly threatened to “burn his ass up” and would ignite small fires by striking a match near an aerosol hair spray can to “spook him.”

When those scare tactics didn’t work, Baywood, 42, upgraded her sadistic tantrums and actually set her boyfriend on fire in the first-floor apartment the on-and-off couple shared in the 3100 block of Washington Boulevard, assistant state’s attorney Lorraine Scaduto said this afternoon.

Baywood, who has been previously convicted of prostitution, had just come home at 3 a.m. on July 2 after “working the streets” when she attacked her boyfriend who uses a cane to walk, Scaduto said.

Baywood first took a gas can and poured the liquid over the bed, explaining that she needed to burn it because it had bed bugs, Scaduto said.

She then proceeded to splash the gas on her boyfriend’s chest, Scaduto said. The victim, who screamed for help and said he couldn’t see, ran to the kitchen door to escape. But Baywood blocked his path and engulfed his body in flames by lighting a lighter, Scaduto said.

Sixty-five percent of the man’s body is burned, and he is currently at Stroger Hospital. Doctors do not think he will survive; his condition is so unstable they cannot perform any skin grafts, Scaduto said.

Baywood told authorities she expected her boyfriend to give her $150 to $200 from his monthly retirement and disability checks so she could pay her phone bill and buy other items, Scaduto said.

But the man would “play games” with her and refused to give her the money in a lump sum, angering her, Scaduto said.

Baywood, who is also known as Sherry Ann Hartison and Lisa Hartison, remains hospitalized at Stroger Hospital with burns to her legs, Scaduto said. She did not appear at her bond hearing today.

Baywood has been charged with attempted murder, aggravated arson, heinous battery and aggravated domestic battery.

Judge Ramon Ocasio III ordered her held in lieu of $1.5 million bail.
Do they have the death penalty in Illinois for this bitch? Hmm, yup!



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