Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kathy Griffin Goes In on Elisabeth Hasselbeck

A few weeks ago, comedian Kathy Griffin referred to Republican senator Scott Brown's daughters as prostitutes. Obviously she was joking, but the Internet and Scott Brown ran with it. The story even made it to The View where Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who depises Kathy, latched on, lambasted the comedian and called her "scum." Kathy lives for this sort of feuding and the drama will most certainly play out in her next stand-up. In advance of you shelling out $60 to see her live, Kathy gave an interview to the New York magazine to tell her side of the story and to throw grease at Elisabeth.

"The first time I was on and I told her to bring it, I thought it was shocking that she had nothing. I thought: "Oh, I think I get this game." My show is called My Life on the D-List," Kathy says. "I would say she's one click away from being the D-List Ann Coulter. My guess is that that's who she aspires to be. I mean, I take her criticism very seriously when she calls me scum. I take it as seriously as I do with any other Survivor contestant."


Then there was this nugget: "...What's so great about someone like Hasselbeck, is with these quasi-celebrities or whatever you want to call them, they don't understand they're just writing my next special for me. It's heaven! And then when Scott Brown issued a statement against me — you can't buy that!
On crackhead Lindsay Lohan:
"We have got to start maybe one of those Facebook pages that got Betty White to host SNL. She needs to be under house arrest at my home. Because my mother, who is probably not the best sponsor, as she drinks a box of wine a day (read her book, Tip It! about life viewed through the prism of a box of wine!) ... However, my mom will whip her into shape in a way that Dina never could. I will keep an eye on her, and by "keep an eye on her," I mean, "I will take her out to parties as much as possible." I will share her SCRAM bracelet, because nothing could make me happier than being photographed in front of Scott Brown's office in a bikini and a SCRAM bracelet, but you know what, a girl can only dream."

On How You Doin' congressman Barney Frank, who appeared on the same prostitute-calling episode of Kathy's reality show and later inferred that Kathy was addicted to pills!
"I think he's one of those guys who thinks he has a dry sense of humor. He made a point, which all insecure people do, of telling me over and over that he didn't know who I was. We shot with him for twenty minutes, and cut it down to probably two minutes. It was a lot of him saying, "I don't want to do this," "My boyfriend loves you," "He talked me into it," "You should come to PTown." I was like, "I get it, you don't know who I am, I don't expect you to know who I am. I make a joke of people like you not knowing who I am. However, I actually have a few questions. I am actually here to learn. Help me out.....Then he got catty in interviews with legit places like the New York Times. This was so funny to me because I just live for rumors like this: They asked him some kind of a pun like her popping pills, and he said: "Perhaps she was." You know my dream is to get a mug shot like Lindsay Lohan, or to have some sort of Paula Abdul–esque rumors about me being on drugs, or to have a Britney Spears 5150 where I'm on the gurney moment. So to have a congressman suggest that I'm popping pills — I mean, is he kidding me? That is a dream come true. But I'm afraid that the only things being popped in that office were Barney Frank's dentures.

Oh, Kathy. We love you.


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