Thursday, August 12, 2010

Man Attacks Woman With a Bucket of Crap

A Seattle woman, who has had a history of disputes with a neighbor, says the man threw a bucket of human feces, urine and vomit on her last weekend.

Cheri Monson says the neighbor, 69-year-old Ronald V. Ellis, called her and told her something was wrong with her car. She checked the car in the building's parking area and found nothing wrong, and as she was returning to her apartment Ronald confronted her and doused her with the contents of the bucket. OMFG!

According to the police report, Cheri's clothing was soaked with urine. There was fecal matter on her back and vomit in her hair, and they wrote that the stench was so bad it was difficult to interview her.

Ronald was arrest last night and charged with assault.

What's that smell? Cheri!

Update: Cheri spoke about the night of the attack to KOMO news. She said, "this is very embarrassing, but...he threw feces all over me. It was awful. It was disgusting. I could barely get up the stairs. And when I got up the stairs, I immediately threw up." As for her attacker, Cheri said, "he's a very ill person, as far as I'm concerned. He's harassed me for many years - many, many years. I just would really like him to stay in jail."



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