Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Man Stabs Roommate to Death, Drinks Victim's Blood

Last Sunday, Mauricio Lopez, 42, stabbed his roommate (Macario Luna Cruz, 32) to death in Bartow, Fla. After the killing, Mauricio drank Macario's blood.

"Afterwards he had a cup of blood in his hand," Mariella Mendez, who lived with the two men, said. "He told me, 'That dog is dead now and his life belongs to me.' Then he took the cup and drank the blood in front of me....In Mexico, they say that the blood he drank was so he could evade law enforcement. He kept saying that his life belonged to him and that´s why he had to drink it. To me, it´s as if the devil was working him."

Before he escaped, Mariella said Mauricio (pictured) "raised the glass in the air and said aloud, '...this is my secret,' and laughed as he ran away from the residence,"


According to reports, the ritual of drinking a murder victim's blood is known to criminal underworld elements in Mexico, especially among drug dealers.

BTW: If you see Mauricio, call police.

Update, Aug. 6: Mauricio has been captured by police. He told investigators he was drunk at the time of the stab-ation and doesn't remember drinking Macario's blood.



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