Tuesday, August 3, 2010

WATCH: The Peckham Terminator

There are a few things going on this video (taken from a bus in Peckham, England) that we don't have the answer to. Firstly, WHAT THE FUCK IS HE SAYING? What has gotten him so worked up? Why was the bus driver just sitting there? Why was the bus not moving? Why didn't someone punch this drama queen in the face? Who is gonna pay for the damage? And, lastly, where was Epic Bear Man?

How He Doin and allrrrriiiggght.

Update: The dude with the thick English accent was accused of either saying something racist or being racist and he was trying to convince everyone (by screaming) that he isn't racist -- but he will cut a bitch.

Here's a translation from a Reddit commenter:
"...FUCKING DON'T bring up blacks in my face, I'll fucking get up in this fucking, fucking bus and talk about black fucking people. Get up in your face, get up on your bus, don't fucking talk about black people on this fucking bus, cuz I'll fucking talk about black people. Shut your fucking mouth, and fucking get your own fucking CUNTING LIFE AND SHUT UP! Don't fucking talk about black people, what's your fucking problem There's not. Fucking black cunt. Shut your fucking mouth. laughing Don't fucking, stop your shit! I said one fucking word! Oh man, trust me, my mum would fucking, shut your fucking, my mum would, fucking cunt, you cunting fuck. What is your problem? What? Do you want a fucking fight or what? About black people? .... Get off the bus and get off your fucking arse off around the fucking seat and get off the fucking bus, fucking cunt. Get off the bus. [Walks off bus] WELL GET OFF IT THEN! [Walks back onto the bus] GET OFF THE FUCKING BUS! Get off it then. What's your fucking problem? You wanna come out and fight? Do you wanna come out and fucking, come out and fight me. C'MON FIGHT ME! C'MON THEN! You fucking silly cunt. You've got fucking no bottle. No you fucking won't. ??? [Smashes through bus door]



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