Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wyclef Can't Appeal Decision; 'No Possibility' of Him Becoming Haiti's President

Wyclef Jean, whose plans to run for president of Haiti were dashed last week when he was found to be ineligible, vowed to appeal. He's given interviews upon interviews claiming that he has a right to be on the November ballot and accused Haiti's electoral council of being corrupt -- which in itself is hilarious and oxymoronic given the fact that corruptness is in the official job description of almost every politician in Haiti. It's legend.

This morning, however, Samuel Pierre of the council's legal department told Reuters that, under article 191 of Haiti's electoral law, rulings by the election authority's disputes tribunal are definitive and cannot be appealed.

"Therefore there is absolutely no possibility for Wyclef Jean to be added to the list of candidates approved to run in the next presidential elections," he said. "So it's over."

Sounds like the final answer to us.



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