Thursday, September 16, 2010

Man Calls 911 to Report Stolen Cocaine

Last January, police in Chicago swooped down and busted up a major drug ring and in the processes, seized $1 million in marijuana plants, 200 ecstasy pills, $21,000 cash, a kilo of cocaine, 25 handguns and five rifles were seized during the operation. They arrested 24 people, including Steven Dragon, who called 911 to report that someone had stolen his cocaine. True story.
Dragon, of Comstock Park, Mich. was behind the wheel of a BMW when he was stopped by police at the intersection of Belmont and Broadway on January 14 and was told he was a suspect in a purse snatching, according to the federal complaint. While he was taken away for a phony police “line-up,” officers took the cocaine from the trunk. When Dragon returned to his unlocked car 15 minutes later, he was seen “running and pacing in the area in a frantic manner while appearing to talk on his cellular phone,” the complaint says. A record of the 911 call he made says he told the dispatcher, “Somebody robbed my car when the police had me. . .they took my keys and everything.” He fled before police arrived but moments later, he called an alleged accomplice on a wiretapped phone and told him, “I just got f***ed, so hard,” according to the complaint. In a lengthy and curse-ridden tirade that would not seem out of place in a Quentin Tarantino film, Dragon allegedly explained what had happened to his pal, telling him, “I’m f***ing sick to my stomach, bro. I’m f***ing crying, bro. I’m f***ing throwing up, dude. I’m f***ed,” the complaint alleges. Dragon had traded his Audi A6 for the cocaine and was worried what he would tell his dad, it’s alleged. His pal, Michael Vaca, 31, of Chicago, told him he was lucky because “you could have went to jail for it,” if the police had found the cocaine, the complaint says.
Steven and his cohorts face up to 40 years in prison and $2 million fines.



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