Thursday, September 16, 2010

NYC Traffic Agent Writes Dead Man Parking Ticket

Tuesday morning, while 21-year-old Nicholas Rappold was slumped across the driver's seat of his Jeep Cherokee in Queens, NY, a traffic agent wrote him up for being illegally parked during street sweeping, reports the New York Daily News.
An hour after the ticket was issued, a friend whose house Rappold had left in the middle of the night spotted his buddy's vehicle still parked outside, sources said. The curious pal went to see why the SUV was still there and found Rappold's cold body, sources said. Investigators interviewed the traffic agent but found no wrongdoing. "He had heavily tinted windows," a police source said in defense of the postmortem ticket. "It was hard to see inside." But family argued that the officer could have seen Rappold, who had recently been in rehab for pill abuse. "She could have at least knocked on the window to see if he was all right," Hill said.
While no official cause of death has been listed, cops believe Nicholas died from a drug overdose. And yes, they canceled the ticket.



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