Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chinese Government Forced 8-months Pregnant Woman to Have an Abortion After Government Officials Dropkicked Her in the Stomach

An eight-months pregnant Chinese woman was dragged from her home and forced to have an abortion because she had broken China’s one-child-per-family law. According to reports, twelve government officials entered Xiao Aiying’s house in Siming, near the city of Xiamen, south-west China, where they hit and kicked her in the stomach, before taking her kicking and screaming to a hospital. There, the 36-year-old was restrained as doctors injected her with a drug to kill the unborn baby. "They held her hands behind her back and pushed her head against the wall and kicked her in the stomach," her husband, Luo Yanquan, said. Most Chinese families are allowed only one child to reduce the 1.3 billion-plus population. The policy leads to an estimated 13 million abortions every year, with many of those ordered by local authorities. Those who violate the one-child law are fined from $1 to $40,000, but are then often sterilised to prevent them from having another child. The Chinese government said Xiao's "procedure" was done voluntarily.



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