Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mariah Carey's Official Pregnancy Announcement Expected Tomorrow (Update: Yep, She's Pregnant)

Mariah Carey is with child. Everyone knows that, right? Well, that's the word on the skreets. The singer hasn't officially confirmed -- or denied -- the rumors, but that will all change tomorrow. Roger Friedman of the Showbiz411, who's always right about these things, is reporting that Access Hollywood's Billy Bush has secured the first interview with Mariah and he will appear on the Today show tomorrow (Thursday) morning to confirm that Mariah is pregnant.
Billy be promoting a three parter that starts tomorrow night on “Access Hollywood.” Mariah and husband Nick Cannon will discuss the whole deal with Billy. The interview was taped yesterday. When is Mariah due? “In the spring” is all she’s saying. Does that mean March? Maybe. So she’s just now maybe four and a half months pregnant. And I am told by the Inner Circle that all this stuff you’re reading about IVF and invitro and fertility stuff is simply made up and supposition. “It’s no true,” says a good source.
Also, despite the chatter in the skreets, the Cannons don't know the sex of the baby.

Update: Here's the official announcement. Mariah also confirmed our earlier report that she suffered a miscarriage.

Congrats Mimi (and Nick)!



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