Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Drugs Made Him Do It?

A Bulgarian man left a trail of destruction recently after he took illegal drugs.
"First he cut-off a piece of his penis, and when his father came to help him he sliced off his father's ear. He then ran into the road partially naked and bleeding, where he jumped into a car owned by a young woman who was unloading the trunk and drove off. He went through a red light and crashed into a motorcycle before leaping out of the car and running to a nearby farm where he tried to batter down the door. When that failed he ran down the back of the house and tried to set fire to a haystack. He then stabbed a lamb to death before stripping off his remaining clothes and stealing an axe which he then ran off with completely naked. When police closed in, he climbed up a high-voltage cable and was blasted with several thousand volts."
The man named Angel Atanasov, said he took the drugs with a friend because he was bored, was arrested and admitted to a local hospital, where he's listed in critical condition.



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