Friday, November 12, 2010

WATCH: Bigoted, Racist Woman Attacks Mail Carrier

This woman doesn't want that letter, so when Hugson Jean, 48, a Hingham, Mass. mail carrier refuses to take it back, things get out of control.

Sidebar: The USPS worker was fired. He claims Erika Winchester, 60, is a friend of the town's postmaster and the firing had everything to do with him being black. In fact, he was the only black staffer at the post office. Ericka was charged with assault and battery as a hate crime, but the case was thrown out after Hugson refused to testify against her. (He claims he was never notified.)

Update: The folks over at the Smoking Gun are reporting that Erika has a serious anger management issue. She was arrested in January 2007 after she threatened shoot people with a machine gun. When cops tried to put her in handcuffs, she resisted and while en route to jail, she threatened to "chop off" the cop's balls. She was charged with trespass, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest, but the charges were dismissed. In August 2005, she was charged with drunk driving after she crashed her Volvo through a street sign and narrowly missed driving head-on into a minivan. She subsequently entered a no contest plea to the drunk driving count and was ordered to attend an alcohol education program. Additionally, her driver’s license was suspended for 45 days and she was ordered to pay restitution to the Town of Hingham for damage sustained during the crash.


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