Monday, December 20, 2010

Lady Bites Off Husband's Penis Then Stabs Him to Death

A Thai woman killed her husband Monday morning after he requested third-input (read: anal) sex and a professional. Mali Siritham (pictured in pink) said 47-year-old Pairoj Farkgai, who's a senior official at the Ministry of Defense, forcibly tried have third input. When she refused, he forced her to give him a professional. During the act, she bit off his penis and stabbed him in the stomach (he stabbed her first).
Mrs. Mali later explained to police that she and her former husband had been living together for about 5 years and had two children. She said Mr. Pairoj was lecherous and flirted with many women. His behaviour became intolerable and they had decided to divorce 7 months ago. Mr. Pairoj then went to work in Bangkok but he always came to see their daughters twice a week. On the night of the incident, he had arrived in a very drunken state and demanded to have sex with her but she refused, telling him that she was having her period. Mrs. Mali said he became very angry and tried to force her to have anal sex but she resisted. He then pushed her on the bed and beat her up and forced her to give him oral sex. Mrs. Mali said she was in tears, and decided to bite off his penis. Mr. Pairoj then grabbed a knife which had been placed on top of the bed and stabbed her on her right arm. She said they were fighting over the knife for about 10 minutes when she finally grabbed the knife from him and stabbed him once in the stomach. Mr. Pairoj then collapsed on the floor and Mrs. Mali ran out of the room to get help from her father and her neighbour. By the time they came back into the room, Mr. Pairoj was already dead.
That'll learn him.


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