Wednesday, December 15, 2010

NYC Weather Girl Heidi Jones Arrested for Telling Rape Lie

This is sad, because we actually like the person the story is about, but....Heidi Jones, a meteorologist at WABC in New York and frequent fill-in on "Good Morning America" was arrested on Monday and charged with filing a false report because she's a mentally-ill liar and attention whore!
Jones, 37, told cops she was jogging in [Central Park] on the afternoon of Sept. 24 when a Hispanic man in his 30s or 40s grabbed her from behind, dragged her into a wooded area and attempted to rape her. She told police that the would-be rapist was scared off by two passers-by who came to her aid. But for cops, the story was all wet. The first clue was that she waited until Nov. 24, two months later, to report the alleged attack, the sources said. At the time, the sources said, she told police that three days earlier, on Nov. 21, the same man somehow found her again and harassed her, saying, "I know you went to the police." After cops took her report, detectives conducted a lengthy investigation, canvassing the area for video and witnesses. Coming up empty-handed, they went to talk to Jones again -- and noticed inconsistencies in her story, the sources said. After being confronted with the discrepancies, Jones admitted that she had pulled the story out of thin air, the sources said. Jones said she concocted the tale in a plea for sympathy to counter some unknown setback that she was experiencing in her personal life, the sources said.
If convicted, she could face up to a year in jail or a $1,000 fine. We're all but certain she was fired and her career as a meteorologist in NYC is kaput -- even though the official word coming out of WABC is that Heidi has been "suspended" "indefinitely". So all you hungry meteorologists looking to break into the No. 1 market in the US, we know where there's a job opening. You can thank us later -- go update your rèsumè!

Sidebar: Do you remember the tea about her co-worker?

Update: Through her lawyer (no, it wasn't Gloria Allred), the crazy bitch released a statement. "The press accounts that say she alleged rape or attempted rape are inaccurate," it read. What did she allege? The lawyer neglected to release that alleged information.

We see a reality show in her future.

Update #2, Jan. 5, 2011: Prosecutors are going hard. They have official filed documents with the court to put Heidi behind bars. During questioning on Dec. 13, 2010, Heidi told detectives: "I did make this up. I made it up for attention. I have so much stress at work, with my personal life and with my family. I know there is no justification for it."



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