Monday, December 13, 2010

WATCH: Freaks, Freak-Outs, Flashers and Things of That Nature

Wait, did he slap her with a bag of cocaine?

Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin performed Fats Domino’s "Blueberry Hill" at a charity event in Saint Petersburg, Russia on Friday night:


Per Youtube: “This is parody criticising the European Union wanting to ban pipe-shaped licorice because it "makes children think drugs are good". The guy is not a retard, even though his nostrils are weird and he has an ugly shirt.”

Ugly working girls:

The assassination of Yogi Bear:

Irishman is pissed off:

Woman calls 911 after she found a live squirrel in the toilet:

We don't know what is happening, but it's hilarious:

Russian singer smacks the ish out of a fan:

Ob-viously, they don't have an FCC-equivalent in Argentina. How else do you explain this?


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