Friday, December 17, 2010

WATCH: Hurdler Shows You How It's Done, Gaga Kills Santa, Little Hard-ons and More!

Hurdles? What hurdles? This is the flat 100m, no?

Lady Gaga killed Santa during a show in London. She says: "Oh, look it's Santa. Well I do like Christmas, but for those of you who are feeling lonely this know, just to keep everyone happy...I hate the holidays! I'm alone and miserable you fucking dumb bit of joy!...He was pregnant with chemicals not meant for children."

Australian comedian and musician Tim Minchin (who wrote an awesome song about the Pope) is back with the best song (OK, the only song) we've heard about a blow-up doll. It's called “Inflatable You." Please do enjoy.

Little hardons have just as much fun at Christmas as big hardons, apparently:

Parrot sings "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor." Kinda picthy, dawg. (Sidebar: Did you see the dancing bird? Then you must.)

During an ice hockey game last Sunday in Canada, fans littered the ice with 23,000 teddy bears -- for charity:

Set you DVRs for this show!

Insanely dumb! A Harlem man has created something that didn't need to be created -- "sub" for saggers.

FIGHT! A brawl broke out in Ukraine's parliament yesterday that sent at least six lawmakers to the hospital with concussions, a fractured jaw and multiple bruises.

The Christmas tree at the Emirates Palace hotel in Abu Dhabi is the most expensive in the world. Why? The tree alone was $10,000 and there are 181 diamonds, pearls, emeralds, sapphires, and other precious stones used to decorate the tree which cost $11.5 million!

Lil Kim was on Hot 97 today to kvetch to Angie Martinez about Nicki Minaj and Puffy. She says she doesn't dislike Nicki and isn't looking for drama, but fells like Nicki is not respecting those who came before her. As for Puffy, Kim says he's disloyal and brands hims the most “negative positive person ever.” Grease!


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