Thursday, January 6, 2011

Man Planned to Blow Up Ex-Girlfriend With Bomb Disguised as a Vibrator

There are so many crazy and troubled people in this world. We tell you about them as a public service, so if you see him/her in the streets, you know to walk the other way or reach for your pearl handle. Now on with the tea: A lunatic from Waseca, Minn. is facing up to 13 years in prison for modifying a dildo into an explosive device in order to "blow up" an ex-girlfriend. True story.
Terry Allen Lester, 37, had recently been staying with two women in Waseca who had asked him to move out after the property owner had learned of the living situation and ordered him out. On Dec. 29 Lester left the residence, but left several bags of property behind. The two remaining women looked through his belongings and found a vibrator that had been loaded with gunpowder, BB shot and buckshot and appeared to be wired to a battery port in order for it to explode. It was found inside of a coffee can labeled "Christmas Gifts." Lester said he was going to give it to one of the women because his relationship with them had ended badly. He intended to trigger the device while inserted into one of the females and "blow them up." A total of three vibrators were found -- the altered one, as well as various tools and explosives, one pink with "Merry X-mas Bitch" written on it with black ink. The former roommates called police and the Bloomington bomb squad was brought to the scene to dismantle and dispose of the devices.
Police said Terry intended to make similar devices to blow up the other ex-roommates.



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