Monday, January 10, 2011

Study: Watching TV For More Than 4 Hours a Day Can Kill You

Another day, another study. But this one we're paying close attention to, because researchers have found that persons who watch more than four hours of TV (or surf the Internet for more than four hours) per day, are more likely to have a heart attack -- and die!
Research revealed those who devote more than four hours watching television, surfing the web, or playing computer games are more than twice as likely to have major cardiac problems. Dr Emmanuel Stamatakis of University College London's Department of Epidemiology and Public Health said: "People who spend excessive amounts of time in front of a screen - primarily watching TV - are more likely to die of any cause and suffer heart-related problems. "Our analysis suggests that two or more hours of screen time each day may place someone at greater risk for a cardiac event." The study was the first to examine the association between screen time and fatal and non-fatal heart attacks - found there was a 48 per cent increased risk of all-cause mortality and an approximately 125% increase in risk of cardiovascular events in those spending more than four hours. The risks were irrespective of factors such as smoking, hypertension, BMI, social class, and even exercise. The scientists called for recreational guidelines to be issued because a majority of working age adults spend long periods being inactive while commuting or being slouched over a desk or computer.
The study followed 4,512 adults. Researchers now have launched (yet) another study to show whether and how exercise can mitigate these consequences, and how to alter lifestyles to reduce sitting and increase movement and exercise.



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