Monday, January 10, 2011

WATCH: Dancing, Donkeys and Drunks, Oh My!

A gut-busting video of animal voiceovers. Very funny.

This bitch is working the rent is due tomorrow!

There was a mini 227 reunion on last night's edition of Watch What Happens Live. Regina King joined Jackée Harry (or vice versa) who was - how do we say this? - drunk as hell!

Ringtone disrupts press conference with eyewitness to the terrible shootings in Tuscon, Ariz. last Saturday.

Hey, Fred Phelps. Fuck you!

In case you didn't hear us, Fred. Here's some sign language for you:

Fox 59 in Indianapolis took to the streets to find the next Ted Williams:

Jon and Caroline Kleiman held a flash mob wedding at the Prudential Center Mall in Boston, Mass.

Oh, rats! The folks over at TLC have outdone themselves with the season finale of Hoarders. Meet Glen, he has a collection of more than 2,500 rats! :

A lady reportedly trying to avoid paying a train fare in Argentina, lowered her child underneath the platform; she was about to join the child when a train rolled into the station!

Parallel parking a donkey in Brazil:

"Crumping" on the subway:

Mi want ganja! Dealejo Denzell-Dencario Roberts, who's facing charged with felonious assault and domestic violence charges in Michigan, was in court last Friday. During the hearing, the 26-year-old told the judge he wanted his "ganja," "green tea" and water. The judge offered Dealejo water and ordered him to take a psychiatric evaluation.

We don't know what this is, but on the surface it's a 5-minute video of two buys fighting over a stolen bong. Heeeyy!!!!!

UFO mothership spotted over Lima, Peru? Residents say they videotaped the unidentified flying object for almost 30 minutes on Jan. 4. "It's a UFO. You'd have to be somewhat thick to deny it," said Julia Gutierrez, who adds that it's common to see such sights in the area.


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