Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lady More Concerned About Her Dog's Life, Smacks 9-year-old Boy in the Head With Frying Pane

Donna Ambrosio-Ruglio of Randolph, NJ loves her precious pooch. Humans? No so much. The 45-year-old was arrested yesterday and charged with second-degree child endangerment after hitting a 9-year-old boy over the head with a frying pan leaving an abrasion on the boy's head and visible bruising on his back -- and this wasn't the first time.
The boy said the incident occurred while he was at Ambrosio-Ruglio’s house on Tuesday, according to an arrest warrant affidavit filed in Randolph Municipal Court by Detective Cheryl Drinkard of the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office. The boy told the detective he had dropped a bagel and cream cheese onto the floor, and when a dog began eating the cream cheese, Ambrosio-Ruglio said the cream cheese was going to "kill the dog." Ambrosio-Ruglio then hit the boy over the head with the frying pan and punched him in the back, according to the affidavit. The boy said Ambrosio-Ruglio had done things like this "over a thousand times" and he hadn’t spoke about it because he wanted to forget about it, "but this time he had to because it was 'the most serious,'" Drinkard said in her affidavit.
The situation was reported to police by a family member and it's unclear how Donna is related to the boy. She's in jail on $75,000 bail.



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