Friday, February 11, 2011

WATCH: Drunk Cop, Chamber of Disorder

This Russian police officer is how you say in Russian, "f-cked up!" or косой.

FIGHT! Venezuelan lawmakers got into a brawl in parliament. The fist-fight on Thursday began after Socialist party legislator Henry Ventura tried to remove an opposition member, Alfonso Marquina, from the speaker's podium. The pair were soon joined by several other legislators and parliamentary employees who shoved and punched one another for several minutes.

A new Thai airline, called PC Air, hires transsexual flight attendants.

This is very clever or chose not to wait on humans to

What's the opposite of helium you ask?

After 30 years as president of Egypt, Hosni Muburak resigned today, ceding to demands of the people and their 18 days of round-the-clock demonstrations. celebrate.

A Memphis church that was forced to close last month after neighbors complained about the noise, has been allowed to re-open -- with a few caveats. But what's sad is the pastor pulled the race card saying neighbors complained because it's a black church. No, fool. It's because of the noise! Frankly, if we were subjected to this noise every Sunday for HOURS, we'd call the cops, too.

LOOK! The TV Guide is RACIST!


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