Wednesday, February 2, 2011

WATCH: Skin Gun, Anna Nicole Opera, The Gayes

Science is amazing! Scientists developed a a process that takes stem cells from a burn victim's skin, then, using a device called "The Skin Gun" sprays it onto the victim's burns causing it to heal it in as little as four days!

Things are now really getting out of control in Egypt. CNN's Anderson Cooper was attacked and punched 10 times in the face by pro-Mubarak supporters in Cairo. (Almost every other news anchor, including Christiane Amanpour and Katie Couric, were also attacked today.)

Moments later he was on-air discussing the "beatdown".

Annitta Bullock found out her Richmond, Va. house was on fire on live TV! (The fire department ruled the fire an accident that was either caused by a space heater too close to a flammable item or an overloaded electrical outlet.)

'Anna Nicole' the opera based on the life of drug addicted gold-digger Anna Nicole Smith (may she rest in peace) opens at London's Royal Opera House on Feb. 17. Here's the trailer. (We're all but certain this will make its debut in the US soon, so don't all run to London to see it.)

Thomas Roby was sentenced to a one year in prison for crashing a double-decker bus in London last year with 12 passengers aboard. In this CCTV footage, Thomas -- who was drunk -- is seen wrestling the driver to take control of the bus which was traveling at 60mph. The overturned bus careened up
The screams of terrified passengers filled the bus as it careered up an embankment before overturning on the motorway. Roby was seen on the CCTV footage played to the judge falling over as the bus toppled.

The Weather Channel's Jim Cantore freaks out during a thundersnow in Chicago:

Meanwhile in Chicago. Lakeshore Drive, one of the city's major artery, was shut down after almost 1,000 cars and trucks were abandoned when two feet of snow fell on the city overnight.


Chilean soccer fans atop a speeding bus (why?) are brought back down to earth by a power line. RIP.

Someone put this "intern" on the air with pre-dic-table results...

Introducing The Daily, the first newspaper designed for the iPad. (A version for Android reportedly will not be available until 2013.)

Meet Teh Gheys The Gayes.

How dreadful! A 19-year-old thief broke into an Austarlian bakery via the skylight, but he didn't have a plan as how to make his escape.

Sharon Ross of Lakeland, Fla. said her 33-year-old husband, Lester, killed his ex-girlfriend and their 3-year-old daughter because of a custody battle then stored their bodies in a freezer in his home for more than a year the buried the corpses in a shallow grave. Lester has not been charged with the murders.

Counterfeiting is out of control in Georgia. Did you know the Secret Service confiscates $250,000 in counterfeit money every month in the state?


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