Monday, March 21, 2011

Lady Walks in On Her Girlfriend Having Sex With a Man....

An Iowa City, Iowa woman was charged with assault while displaying a dangerous weapon after striking a man with a baseball bat. That man was slaying her girlfriend then wouldn't leave.
Police arrested Amanda Lynn Stockstell, 36, of 1146 Hotz Ave., at 1:55 p.m. Friday and charged her with assault while displaying or using a dangerous weapon, an aggravated misdemeanor. According to an arrest report, when Stockstell found her partner having sex with the man, she armed herself with a baseball bat when the man refused to leave the residence. Stockstell struck him three times, police said. Stockstell then called police and reported the man was armed with a gun, which authorities found to be unfounded when they arrived, the report said. The man complained of pain to his back and legs, police said. Stockstell was being held in the Johnson County Jail on Saturday night on $13,000 cash-only bond.
The man complained of pain to his back and legs as a result of the beat down.
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