Thursday, March 31, 2011

This. Is. The. Face. Of. Evil.

To say Josela Posada is a monster, would be kind. There are no words to describe this bitch. The 30-year-old El Salvadorian immigrant pleaded guilty to the first-degree murder of her 8-week-old baby, Kristopher, who died Feb. 13, 2010. She admitted this afternoon in court to shaking, beating, burning and torturing baby Kristopher since the day he was born.
During a preliminary hearing, baby Kristopher’s father, Orlando Vasquez, testified that Posada referred to the infant as a gay slur and had never wanted the child. Vasquez and Reno police detectives testified Posada admitted to them she struck the baby when she was angered by his crying. Posada has an older daughter who was 15-months old when Kristopher died after Posada said she had put him to sleep in his crib. Deputy District Attorney Elliott Sattler said the girl was healthy and well cared for, and that she is in the custody of relatives. Vasquez testified he was trying to get custody of his son and that Posada wouldn’t let him see the boy. At the time of the baby’s death, Posada had been working as a housekeeper for an apartment complex on Kuenzli Street, where she also lived with her children. Sattler said when Posada discovered her baby had died, she waited 45 minutes before a friend called police. She also did not seek medical attention for the child. He said an autopsy showed the underweight baby had injuries to his brain that were consistent with shaking, that both of his retinas were detached, and that he suffered several rib fractures, a broken femur, had whiplash, spinal cord injuries, and first and second-degree burns on his abdomen and groin area. The autopsy also showed that the injuries dated from the time he was born until the day he died. A teenage girl who babysat Kristopher testified that he was always screaming and shrieking as if he were in severe pain. Posada blamed the boy’s burn blisters on “diaper rash,” the girl said.
There are no words. Our hearts ache. Sidebar: This pathetic excuse for a human being faces life in prison. Aren't you happy to know that our tax dollars will feed, cloth and keep a roof over her head? Yay!


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