Tests were being carried out today on a container of a popular Swedish fermented milk drink after a woman claimed she found a condom and a receipt inside it. The woman, known only as Bejta, made the discovery at her home near Gothenburg, western Sweden, after she drank two cups of Arla Food's filmjolk, a sour-tasting fermented milk drink, and poured the remaining liquid into her dog's bowl, Swedish newspaper Expressen reported yesterday. To her surprise it was not only milk that appeared in the bowl - a pink-colored condom still in its packaging and a receipt also fell in. She then called her daughter, Milica, at work to tell her what she had found. "Mom was shocked and I couldn't eat for two days," Milica told the newspaper. "She's started to eat again, but she's never going to buy filmjolk again." When Milica called Arla's customer services team she was told the discovery was "impossible". They suggested someone in the home must have placed the condom and receipt inside the product as prank. However, Milica told the newspaper that could not have happened. Arla Sweden spokeswoman Katarina Malmstrom told Expressen the company was waiting for an analysis of the container in a bid to assess what had happened. "I deeply regret that there was someone who fell victim to something like this, no matter what caused it," Ms Malmstrom said.One wonders if there were any bodily fluids in the milky mix.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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