Monday, April 18, 2011

Man Dressed as Female Mannequin Arrested in Women's Restroom

Joel Hardman, a 22-year-old college student pleaded guilty to observing another person doing a private act for his own sexual gratification after he was caught in a women's restroom dressed like a female mannequin. Joel (pictured) donned a mask and wig to spy on women using the ladies restroom as he masturbated in the stall at Bullring mall in Birmingham, England. Police found three images of women’s feet taken beneath cubicle doors and an audio recording of a flushing toilet on his cell phone.
Jonathan Purser, prosecuting, said Hardman, believed to be an MSc student at the University of Birmingham, told a Bullring security guard: “Yes, I’ve been a bit weird.” He told police he found the sound of women on the toilet sexually exciting and said to officers: “It’s good you’ve caught me – maybe now I’ll stop.” Mr Purser said Hardman was caught out after the shopper saw him enter the Bullring’s female toilets at 3pm on April 3 “dressed like a mannequin with a mask and a wig”. The court heard Hardman confessed he had done it once before, in the women’s toilets at a university campus, but moved to the Bullring “because it was busier”. Asked why he had done it, he replied: “I get sexual gratification out of everything that goes on in women’s toilets.” He did not offer an explanation as to why he was dressed like a shop mannequin, only saying he had recently worn the mask and wig to a fancy dress party. District Judge Lesley Mottram adjourned the case until May 10 to allow a pre-sentence report to be prepared. Hardman was released on bail on condition he stayed away from public lavatories and did not enter any female toilets. The judge warned him he could well be jailed because of the “aggressive” nature of his crime.
Have you ever heard anything like this in your life? Sidebar: His last name is "Hardman". *Giggles*


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