Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Republican Who Sent Obama-Chimp Email: 'I Guess I Offended the Black People'

Oh, no she didn't! Last week, Southern California GOP official Marilyn Davenport sent an email depicting President Barack Obama as a chimpanzee. In the photo, Obama's face superimposed on a photo of a baby chimp with two adult chimps in a family photo pose with the caption "Now you know why — No birth certificate!" At a press conference at her home today in Fullerton, California, Marilyn said she “offended the black people” and that "I humbly receive your rebuke." She said she considered the email political satire and not racist. "I feel that it was inappropriate and I offended people," she said. "I think it's only racist when the intent in my heart is to make it that way, and that was not the intent in my heart." She insisted that she will not resign, "out of respect for [her] constitutents." Wait, what?



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