Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Car Thief Writes Letter of Apology to Victim

Yesterday, 18-year-old Wilson A. Rodriguez led police on 90-mph car chase through the streets of Port St Lucie, Florida. Even through two of the tires blew out, Wilson kept on driving, but he was finally nabbed after he lost control of the stolen SUV. Paula Lovejoy told TCPalm, she was sitting in her SUV in her driveway when she noticed Wilson running toward her with a gun.
The assailant, later identified by police as Rodriguez, spoke Spanish and Lovejoy didn't understand him. He waved the gun in her face, but she didn't know what he wanted. "I backed up and then I realized I didn't want to get in the car, so I backed up more and then I backed up so that I could get away," she said. "Then I remembered my puppy and I said, 'Can I get my dog?' and he said in English, 'Get your dog.'" Lovejoy got Mozzy and the assailant put the gun in her shoulder blade. "I turned around and ran, and I kept thinking 'he's going to shoot me, he's going to shoot me,' " Lovejoy said. Once inside her home, Lovejoy heard her Toyota speed away, and she called 911.
When police arrested Wilson, he told them he "just needed to get home." He said he didn't have a car or money to get back to South Florida, where he lives. In the stole SUV they found the gun .... and an apology letter he wrote to Paula which begins with his real name.

Hi, ma'm. My name is Wilson Rodriguez, and im the young man who took your car. Befor you get to read this let me say im sorry. I know sorry is not going to change anything, but that the least I could do for what i've done. Ma'm im shore you want an explanation for this, but to be honest I dont even know what to say. All I can say is the reason I did this wuz because im not from (port st lucie) im from miami and I was left here in St Lucie county with nothing. I've been trying to find a ride home for the past couple of days, but the people in this area would not help me, so I guess I let my frustration get the best of me and I did something terrible to an inocent person like your self. I just want you to know I did not mean any harm to you or your dog. Once again ma'm from teh bottom of my heart, I am really truly sorry and I hope you can look deep into your heart to accept my apology, and understand my situation.

Wilson Rodriguez

We believe this kid, but Paula -- well, she hasn't come around to it yet. She says: "I think it's a little hard to apologize. Just having a gun in my face is something that I'm not ever going to forget."

Wilson was charged with robbery with a firearm, carjacking with a firearm, fleeing a law enforcement officer at high speed, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with the serial number removed, an arrest affidavit states.



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