Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Man Tries to Get on Train With Pony

Last Saturday, a man tried to get on a train in Wrexham, Wales with a white pony for a two-hour journey to Holyhead. After a conductor refused him entry, the man returned to the ticket booth where he tried to buy two tickets - for himself and the animal. "I know the law" and got into an elevator with the horse, and walked it across the bridge and onto a platform. When the train arrived he boarded the car and tried to pull the pony on with him until a conductor intervened. After a brief argument the man retreated and left the station with his pony. A short time later, the man and his pony turned up at a local ER seeking treatment for the animal from doctor, but security guards "politely asked to leave the premises." He should take his pony to the local Apple store to read up on the transit rules.

Update: The man's name is Joe Pannell and he also took the pony to a bar.



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