Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thankfully, This Turned Out Okay

Scottsdale, Arizona police just released this horrifying red light camera footage of an SUV running over a stroller -- with a 4-year-old girl in it! As the light turned green, the woman (Regina Aldan) is still in the crosswalk, so she begins to run with the stroller and that's when a black SUV plows into them. The female driver was issued a citation at the scene, but after reveiwing this video, police have determined that the driver's view was obscured and that it would've been nearly impossible for the SUV to yield to the family, who ran directly into the path of the vehicle. So, the citation dismissed. And, yes, the Regina and her daughter Perla Romero were not seriously injured. They were taken to a hospital and released. Regina has lawyered up and plans to sue the driver.



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